
Monday 2 May 2022

Texas 22 - Sunday Summary

VERY early one this morning. Left the house at 5am. Main target...Barn Owl at Galveston Island S.P. I drove the park roads till daybreak and beyond but no sign. Cars started to turn up and before O knew it the viewing platform was full. Must have been some sort of club "watch"? I didn't join in! It did prevent me from scanning from on high though. I gave it till 11 trying (and failing) to find a Sparrow or two. 

Two sessions in Corps Woods pm didn't produce the hoped for male Painted Bunting... unfortunately!

An eBird report of a Mourning Warbler at Lafitte's Cove had me down there for 5.30...where I'm writing this post... instead of looking for it !? I needed a rest!!

However, bird...

Yet another stunning species

Male American Redstart!!! ABSOLUTE stonker, even in deep shade. I added a surprise Blue Jay also. A late attempt for Barn Owl failed BUT 3 Common Nighthawks (one close over my head) were ample compensation.

Trip Total...217 species

Swallow-tailed Kite day tomorrow...hopefully!?

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