
Sunday 1 May 2022

Texas 22 - Saturday Summary

A quieter day today after an extremely long yet fulfilling one yesterday. A report of a male Painted Bunting tempted me down to Corps Woods first thing for a couple of hours but no joy. The woods seemed quiet...and it was. I always enjoy a stroll around here though, especially as I was the only person present. However, there's ALWAYS something of interest, especially when you're from another Country...

The charismatic Black and White Warbler

A truly marvellous species.

A late morning drive down to East Beach finally allowed me to add Gull-billed Tern to the Trip List. After some planning for the remainder of the holiday we spent the afternoon down at Galveston Island S.P. No new additions but the sight of a Common Nighthawk over the marsh at 4.20 in 80F was definitely unexpected!!

Trip Total...215 species

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