
Tuesday 3 May 2022

Texas 22 - Monday Summary

I tried 3 sites in the East Texas Woodlands today for a sighting of the wonderful Swallow-tailed Kite. It wasn't to be on this trip. Fortunately, I've had fabulous experiences with this species in the past, especially in 2013 when I had 4 birds floating over my head for a considerable time! Still a tad disappointed though. I tried.

Tomorrow afternoon will find me buried deep in the legendary Sabine Woods near the Texas/Louisiana (appropriate) border. Probably the best migrant spot of them all...certainly numbers wise. Weather conditions aren't favourable but's early May and I'm sure there'll be something to enjoy.

A quick pic. Eastern Bluebird...

OK...two. Over lunch at Newport, a Crow landed by us. No big deal, although I'd only seen a few on the trip. Then it called. Louise said..."that's a weird noise" It was...

Fish Crow

Trip Total...219 species

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