
Monday 30 May 2022

Texas 22 - Day 21

So to Monday May 2nd. Swallow-tailed Kite day...hopefully. I'd always planned to try for this wonderful species at some time during the Holiday. I'd been trawling eBird for current sightings but they were surprisingly thin this Year? A breeding bird in the State but not flagged as sensitive. I wanted to try a different area if possible from the ones I'd tried in previous Years. In the end though I chose a spot where I'd had great views of them in 2013.

After an early hour at Corps Woods were I sat at the "secret" watch was quiet...

I returned for Louise and we headed North off the Island. It took us 90 minutes to get East of Houston and park at Site 1...crossing an unbelievable bridge at Baytown on the way...

Site 1...

Despite a couple of hours searching, no joy. I won't prolong the agony, although there was an Egyptian Goose (of dubious origin) present.I did have great views of Mississippi here...

...better than this "Bandits at 10 o'clock" pic!

Whilst having lunch a strange sound (worth a listen) alerted me to a Fish Crow...

...which I was surprisingly pleased with...being my only confirmed sighting of the Trip! An Eastern Bluebird also performed well...

I tried a couple more sites in the afternoon...

...but alas I couldn't find any STK...which was obviously disappointing. Can't win 'em all.

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