
Saturday 28 May 2022

ELEONORA'S FALCON - Raptor Royalty

...the game it often does in late May!

No news early Friday morning. I toyed with the idea of "giving myself a start" by getting through Hull and waiting but with no further reports by 9.30 I decided to head for Duff for (possibly) my last visit of the Spring. I'd exercised Bud and Louise had a day off so I went alone. As I went through Burstwick a message...

9.57am MEGA Kent ELEONORA'S FALCON pale-morph adult flew along North Stream at Roaring Gutter towards Sandwich Bay

Another fly-by?

I pulled over and contemplated my hobby! I couldn't go without Bud which would mean a 30 minute drive back to Holmpton. Again, should I gamble on a flight sighting? I waited a while longer hoping for more concrete news. I guess I'd been stung by my Cornwall escapade. 

10.48am Kent ELEONORA'S FALCON? pale morph probably sat on post North of Great Wood at Worth Marsh

Probably? I set off back to Holmpton.

10.54am Kent ELEONORA'S FALCON still on post North West of Great Wood at Worth Marsh

Game definitely ON!!!

After gently sharing the news with Louise (she could tell by the look on my face) I grabbed the usual stuff...and Dog and headed West. Now then the indispensible Google maps informed me it would take me 5hrs 30 mins...with a LOT of luck on Friday afternoon! Each time I travel the highways and byways of Britain I see more and more speed restriction signs. A63 - M62 - M18 - A1 - M11 - A282 - A2 - M2 - A299 - A256. Simple as that. 20 minute delay getting over the Queen Elizabeth Bridge and another 20 minutes at the end of the M2 with the Dover traffic. 

The messages on the way down keep you on your toes. There were constant updates and the inevitable flown off message...quickly followed by still present! The later messages all stated that it was sat in a tree. More information informed me that a field had been opened for the hopefuls and I had a postcode, which took me straight to it. A definite improvement on the "good old days".

I parked up, grabbed my gear...and Bud...and started down the track. It was now 6pm. I was told it was a 15 minute walk and that the bird was still sat in a tree. Tense moments! As I passed one chap he informed me the first group were hoping for a flight view and I would have to go further to see it sat in the tree. He was correct! I turned the corner and asked the first Birder if it was showing. He said it was and would I like a look through his scope. Oh Yes!!!

It was c250 yards away sat on a branch in the shade...but I'd SEEN it! I thanked the chap and tried not to look to flustered.!? I felt somehow calmer lol! It was a beautiful Spring evening with sunshine and a gentle breeze. All was well with the World. I was obviously hoping for a better view...of course. A few familiar faces were present as this was a tick for virtually everyone. According to RBA there have been SEVEN accepted records but none that were twitchable I believe?

First view...

4 o'clock from the (inevitable) Crow

I reckon it remained there for at least another 30 minutes . Then, a couple of brief flights before returning to the tree. A ray of sunshine helped...

Then at 7.05pm it flew across the field and perched in a bush...again distantly...

Great to see it in flight. Completely different form Hobby, much longer winged and bulkier...

Leaving the Tree

Some Birders mad their way past me and disappeared along the path? After around 10 minutes curiosity got the better of me and I decided to follow on. I went over a bridge and turned left along another track. I could see a small group in the distance. As I walked towards them the bird flew across the field to my right...

A wonderful sight and one I thought I'd never see in Britain. As I reached the group I was delighted to see the bird had crossed the track and landed on a post some 60yds away...

The thing that struck me immediately was how much bigger it was than the adjacent Hobbies...

It looked special...and it was...

A tranquil setting, small group of twitchers, lovely evening and a Stellar Bird. What's not to like! I stayed till 8.30 hoping for another flight view but my battery running out meant it was time to leave. We had a slow stroll back to the car and an even slower drive home...

All's well that ends well...

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