
Monday 30 May 2022

Texas 22 - Day 22

It was time to leave our beloved Galveston Island.We'd had the best of times and the house we'd rented was amazing! After a 3 year wait we were more than satisfied. It was starting to get hot also!

No surprise for Louise when I suggested an early Ferry crossing the previous evening! Not too early you can see...

This was the first occasion she'd actually got out of the car. A rare sighting indeed! Once across it was straight up towards Yacht Basin Road once again after a brief check for Upland Sandpiper. No joy but this Whimbrel was smart...

Yacht Basin Road...

Yes, that's one barge on the Intercoastal Canal!

to try for a special Sparrow....namely Nelson's. Despite giving it a "good hour" I couldn't find one in the grasses but there were plenty of Seaside (c20). ..

Love this Great Egret image...

There were also a couple of dapper Black-bellied Plovers present...

We also passed a Purple Martin house...

We received a message during the Winter from the Airline informing us our return flight had been put back a day. What a shame! However that meant we needed accommodation for an extra night. It was then that I came up with a cunning plan. I decided to book us into a Motel at Port Arthur (with management's approval of course) which would enable me to have 2 sessions at the legendary Sabine Woods. What a finish to the trip! I just needed the "right" conditions?

Anyway, we headed straight through High Island (sacrilege) and had a brief stop at the bridge again. Still no Great Horned Owl (fledged?) or Cave Swallow. We headed through Winnie and East towards Beaumont. My next port of call was Cattail Marsh (worth a click) a superb wetland within Tyrrell Park...

My target here was a National Symbol? It was noon now and rather toasty (for me). Yes, it's a HUGE area and I certainly wouldn't be walking far as there was little cover. I saw two ladies strolling towards me totally unconcerned by the temperature? I asked them about my target and although reluctant at first they told me the juvenile bird was still by the nest (c 1 mile away). I thanked them and went to the car for my scope!!

Fortunately there was a shelter along the boardwalk and I had an idea of where to look. We settled in, Louise read and I scanned...

Bald Eagle

It was a better view through the 'scope! I'd seen the stunning Cinnamon Teal here on past visits...but not this time. The Pied-billed Grebes showed well despite the heat haze...

...and the inevitable...

No Swimming!

We moved on to Port Arthur for a Subway lunch. I aimed to be at SW by 3pm. We arrived dead on time after passing through (and I do mean THROUGH) the gigantic Motiva Oil Refinery...

North America's largest

I was all nostalgic lol! I signed in, paid my dues and headed into the Woods with no little (understandable) was quiet! No matter...I was just glad to be here, reliving past memories and enjoying the solitude. There were a few Birders about but not many. You plan your time and keep your fingers crossed. 

I only recorded 17 species in FOUR hours...but I loved it! Noteworthy...

Ovenbird - at least 6 present which made my day on its own! I had several views of birds in the shade of the trees...

This Brown Thrasher nearly emerged completely...

Again a pair provided great entertainment for a good 15 minutes. They're charged!

My first Blue Jay emerged from the Woods briefly whilst I was talking to Louise...

A better view later...

Then the dreaded Empid...


Great-crested Flycatcher

As I turned a corner to go towards a bench...someone had got there first...

I returned to the car to get Louise. By the time we'd returned he was on his way, but I managed a pic, even though I'd forgot to change settings...

It's NEVER boring in Texas! I still had tomorrow morning as well...

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