
Tuesday 17 May 2022

Texas 22 - Day 17

After 2 "full-on" BUT very enjoyable, successful and fulfilling days, it was time for a more relaxed approach this sunny Thursday morning. I was thinking about a few gaps in the Trip List and anything that might be available on the Island. There's always something...right?

A couple of Species that had eluded me were Gull-billed Tern and Snowy Plover. I decided it was time for a long stroll along East Beach...

Plenty of room here!

You may have noticed the rather large Ship in the distance...

The photo can't really portray how enormous this Ship was! Everything's...etc etc. As I approached theEastern tip of the Island I could see the Tern Colony and the fenced off area. I could also see a random Common Nighthawk roosting in full sun...

I also had a brief view of my one and only Horned Lark of the Trip. Another huge Container Ship appeared...

A lone Ring-billed Gull dropped in...

There weren't many Waders about, although there was a decent concentration of Birds on the distant sandbar which I'd check out later...

However there was one pool...

...with one Bird...

Snowy Plover

I couldn't find this Species at Bolivar Flats which was a big surprise but this more than made up for it. After all, it was an Island tick!


Obliging and fulfilling...

I checked out the Birds on the Sandbar. A lovely selection but nothing new, so I didn't add GBT. BUT I did get my record count of Black Terns (18)...

The Least Terns were quite approachable also...and numbered at least 500!

Forster's and Royal were also easily into 3 figures.

Brown Pelicans are never far away...


Nearly got him!

***At. this juncture those of you who have reached Reddish Egret wp saturation point, may want to move on?***

I did however, get royally entertained by this character...

The active Fisherman...

The bird covered around 100 yds, constantly in motion with eyes trained on its prey. Its technique of shading the pool with its wings was VERY successful!

You KNOW when there's one about, that's for sure!

Top morning and good exercise but the SP stole the show this time...

After lunch...and a rest, we drove down to Dos Vacas Muertas for the rest of the afternoon to take advantage of the aspect. We arrived at 3.15 and in the next 3 hours I saw 34 species. I had the place to myself most of the time. Highlights being...

Purple Gallinule (Island tick)...

Really pleased to find one on the Island, and especially here...

American Redstart female in heavy shade...

A late result came in the form of a "late" Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher. Needless to say this was my only record. Again great to "catch" on the Island...

High Island tomorrow...

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