
Wednesday 18 May 2022

A Grand Day out in Yorkshire

Brief late one tonight as I've just got back from Sammy's after scraping the MASKED WAGTAIL. I think they call it an Insurance tick!?

Reports of a Honey Buzzard at Wykeham yesterday tempted me to make an attempt this morning. I arrived just after 10 and joined my pal Haydn. It was good to see him, as always.I bored him with some Texas tales while we waited...hopefully Around 11.20 a Goshawk was seen VERY distantly to the NW. As people were sharing scope views I picked up another Raptor drifting towards me from the East. Again...I'm no Raptor Guru BUT it looked "good"...and different! Jizz completely different from Common. Gliding on downcurved had to be a Honey. It was...

Chuffed to pick it up. It circled overhead for a good 5  drifting back East. I did get a VERY distant look at the Goshawk through my bins. Confirmed by scopes.

We left at Noon. After going our separate ways I made my way back along the Coast Rd. As I reached the Dotterel roundabout I saw the sign for Bempton, stating 5 miles. I made the turn. The magnitude of the BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS occurrence should NEVER diminish. Igave it 2.5 hours from a distant viewpoint overlooking Staple Nook but it wasn't to be today.

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