
Tuesday 17 May 2022

Local Breather!

In my haste to make my Texas tale relevant, I am aware I mustn't overlook the fact that it's migration time here also!

With that in mind I'm taking another "breather", especially as this morning was very productive...relatively.

I was out the door before 8 and up to Cliff Farm on a beautiful Spring morning here. A quick check around the Farm produced Tree Sparrow (4) Whitethroat, Linnet and Reed Bunting in the Rape. There were also quite a few Sand Martins and Swallows hawking for insects.We then strolled down to Old Hive to see the Sand Martin Colony. I was interested to see how things were developing as the Cliff had been re-designed once again by the Sea! A lone female Wheatear posed briefly in the Rape... did a Meadow Pipit...for a brief blast...

A couple of Pheasants on the edge of the Cliff was...different...

It immediately became apparent that there were plenty of Birds about...plenty. In fact, my first impression was 3 figures. The Colony was already established on the "far wall". The "new Cliff" offered an extensive flat area in which to dig burrows...

Definitely 100+ birds and at least 60 burrows. A good year in store...hopefully? Great to see. Unfortunately there not  much left of the OH hedge now due to severe erosion this Winter. However there's still enough to interest the local Linnets and Reed Buntings...

A Whitethroat had also taken up territory. I'm not a song/call Guru but I know enough. A scratchy warble got my attention...a bird popped up briefly...

My second Sedge Warbler for the Village and my first "found"

It was only in view a few moments so I'm very pleased with the pic', despite the inevitable obstructions! The bird was generally elusive during he next hour but did provide decent entertainment moving along the hedge and giving a few display flights. A perky species. Far more special when it's "yours". As well as the hedge remnant there's a small triangle of "rough stuff" that the Farmer couldn't get to.Whilst scanning for the SW this popped up in the "triangle"some 40 yds away and started singing...

Corn Bunting

Amazing! Things were going well in the mini-Oasis! I gave it till 10 before returning to the car. My mate was always...

As I was down this end I drove round the corner and parked by Model Farm which is the Southern Limit of my elasticated Village boundary! This turned out to be a good decision. As i scanned I picked up 2 Yellow Wagtails on the Farm buildings.One then landed on a wood pile...

...and had a stretch...

Fortunately there's an area of turf by the derelict barn and two birds started to feed there...constantly on the move, of course...

Great morning...just the reset I needed! Now then where was I?

Patch 105
Holmpton 91

Tomorrow, I'll be trying for another one of those quality "haven't seen for a while" birds!

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