
Thursday 26 May 2022

To Twitch or not to Twitch?

After Sunday/Monday's Cornwall Marathon, news of an ELEONORA'S FALCON confirmed from photographs in Kent today, left me with mixed feelings!? Late May is prime time for a "Biggy" and this Year was proving no different.

I admit I didn't shoot out of my chair...not that I do anyway! However, once the seed is planted...the wheels start turning. I decided on a middling strategy...I'll set off and see what transpires news-wise. A coffee and burger in Hull was wise I felt before I headed down the A63 and on to the M62 - M18. A further report...

13.31 MEGA Kent Eleonora's Falcon Stodmarsh NNR

Onward...with reservations. Having gambled previously and liking to think I'll have a go...I was...torn. I carried on down the A1...chewing it over and trying to subdue my cynicism! 2 fly-byes. As stated previously on many occasions...the power of suggestion is strong...and applies to yours truly also. The first sighting is indisputable being backed up by a photo (originally ID'd as a Hobby). I had no information on the second sighting but it's a BIG call on a fly-by! A large Hobby or a slim Peregrine. Granted it came on as a pale-morph BUT...who knows?

The further I drove the less enthusiastic I became and I terminated at Newark. Then the drive back, not sure if I wanted a further message or not!? Crackers lol! Anyway there wasn't one and I felt a strange sense of relief...not disappointment!?

It's a game...

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