
Friday 15 April 2022

Texas 22 - Day 3

Today was a great day...I mean a REALLY great day! It started off real slow with a disappointing visit to Sheepshead where it soon became obvious there hadn't been a fall...or even a slight drop. I did meet a nice guy called Terry Moore who used to be the rep for Leica and had visited the Bird Fair on many occasions? He unsurprisingly liked my Bins! 

I then drove North to the Convention Centre to meet Lorna but it was predictably the same story there. I returned for Breakfast with the boss and thought about a strategy for the day. I decided on Laguna Atascosa via Laguna Vista Nature Trail. With Lorna's directions we arrived at 10.30 and spent a productive couple of hours here. There are three blinds on the reserve with drips. The first provided me with my trip Olive...

and Lincoln's Sparrows...

I also added the unobtrusive and demure White-tipped Dove

We weren't sure how large an area this preserve was but thankfully it was small by American standrads and we were soon at Blind 2. A BIG surprise was in store when this stunning Yellow-breasted Chat came into view (yet another personal favourite)...

Very satisfying. Next came my first Thrasher of the trip. A family FULL of character and this Long-billed didn't disappoint...

As we turned to leave a Thrush fortunately landed in a dead snag right by the path. It was a Clay-coloured and a big bonus...

Blind 3 produced my first Buff-bellied Hummingbird. The feeder was in deep shade but the trusty camera did (more than) OK...

A couple of Kingbirds giving different calls as we left meant I'd added Couch's and Tropical

We then headed North to the famous Laguna Atacosta reserve...

Due to COVID restrictions the Visitor Centre was closed so we just worked the Nature Trails. Green Jay fell easily but clear views in shade were difficult...

A slightly better effort...

A couple of the weird looking Plain Chachalacas were too quick for me. A last stroll down a winding path produced a bonus Summer Tanager...

The approach road didn't produce but the return journey made up for spades!!!

An Altimira Oriole was brief but impressive. I then noticed a lump at the side of the road..."beep beep" (had to be done)...

Greater Roadrunner

Always special this one. As was the hoped for Raptors along this section. First the wonderfully charismatic Harris's Hawk...

Not the best of circumstances on this occasion

I'll have more of this species, as will I of the unmistakable Crested Caracara...a true beauty...

WHAT a Bird!!!

Three Loggerhead Shrikes adorned the wires as we finally left the area.

As we headed back towards the bridge to cross over to SPI, I was running through my we do...and feeling VERY satisfied with my haul. As we waited at the lights I noticed a few Brown Pelicans cruising over the junction as they do. Gotta love them. I then noticed a jizz that got me rather excited...this was NO Pelican. I shouted to Lorna in the back of the car...MAGNIFICENT FRIGATEBIRD!!!

Luckily there was a pull in. A scramble out of the car to the junction and we were soon enjoying not one but two floating over the junction. The next 15 minutes were magical. I'd always hoped to find this species on one of my visits and now this goal had been achieved...

The first three days have exceeded my expectations. OK, poor for migration (there's plenty of time for that) but superb for quality bird experiences and views. This afternoon was that exciting I almost ran!


Trip Total...98 species

We've been invited over to Lorna's at Mission for a couple of days. We leave early in the morning. I have a few targets. Stay tuned...

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