
Thursday 14 April 2022

Texas 22 - Day 2

Not much travelling today, which was just what the Doctor ordered. I started first thing at the Convention Centre... felt quiet...and it was! I re-iterate...that being a visitor is FAR more exciting than being a resident! Every day has endless possibilities in my book.

Another Lesser Nighthawk was flashing around the trees, eventually landing on an exposed branch. A not so rare occasion as I thought...still spectacular though. A walk out on the boardwalk didn't reveal the scarce Purple Gallinule but I did add Common Yellowthroat and managed to squeeze a Swamp Sparrow out of the reeds...

My first Great Kiskadees were also available here. A Peregrine also moved menacingly over the area (a late record for here apparently). 

The Great-tailed Grackles are common and overlooked but I don't see many at Holmpton. A fine specimen here giving me the once over...

Real characters these...

Today was my first view of one of these chaps...

Nice to see a sp Spotted Sandpiper...

If there was ever a bird that reminded me of native America it has to be the Great Blue Heron...


They can be quite tame...

Double take

No apologies for another pic of my favourite...

Fairly distant Bayside

A subtle but dapper Marbled Godwit (my first) was also present...

...followed shortly after by my first Snowy Egret...

As I continued my stroll along the boardwalk I approached a group of Birders focusing intently on some Mangroves close by. A lady turned to me and whispered...Chestnut-sided Warbler!! After a short while I managed a couple of pics...

It wasn't on view for long but a real bonus and listed as rare at this location on eBird. Red-winged Blackbirds are common around the marshes but they are rather splendid...

Another first was this Killdeer...

Lorna and I also popped down to the lots at Sheepshead. Again fairly quiet but still excellent views I think you would agree.

Northern Parula...

Tennessee Warbler...

They love the Oranges! OK not a natural setting but I'll live with it for these views!!! Yet another Lesser Nighthawk was present here...

A few late additions on a hot day (90F) were Rose-breasted GrosbeakBC Night Heron...

and a fast disappearing Osprey...

Not bad for a quiet day!?

Trip Total 77 species

p.s  An oversight yesterday was my failure to mention a rare visitor (according to eBird) to the Convention Centre in the form of a Palm Warbler. A very active and mobile individual which kept in the shadows. How could I forget?

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