
Saturday 16 April 2022

Texas 22 - Day 4

A different take with today's post. We're staying at Lorna's in Mission tonight, so no Birdy pics.

We spent the morning at at the superb Estero Llano S.P in Weslaco. The morning produced 10 trip ticks which included the remarkable Anhingha and the local Least Grebe at the last minute.

The afternoon didn't pan out as intended due to some logistical issues and hot (94F) inland temperatures. Another visit to the wonderful Sana Ana reserve was very nostalgic for yours truly though...

Spanish Moss

So, 4 days of brilliant Birding completed; combining excellent locations with quality Birds. Tomorrow I'm visiting the modestly named World Birding Centre at Benson SP in Mission.
Lorna and I will be there at dawn and heading for the Hawk Watch Tower. Hook-billed Kite is the BIG prize here and a female has been seen in recent days. Other targets here include Ringed and Green Kingfishers plus Altamira, Audubon's and Hooded Orioles!

I'm trying...and failing, to keep my expectations in check. Steady away...

Trip Total...108 species

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