
Wednesday 13 April 2022

Texas 22 - Day 1 word, that was some couple of days. So, today is officially Day 1!? 

We left my Mother's at 6am on Sunday morning. An almost empty M60 was somewhat surreal but things livened up dramatically at Terminal 2. I won't bore you with the "hoop jumping" but I have to was a strain...a strain you DON'T need on a holiday...but I don't mind admitting...I was desperate for a break. All went well, eventually. The Houston end also went well (except for the bun fight to the Rental complex). To cut a long journey short, by the time we'd got the car and I'd driven to the Motel at San Antonio we'd been on the go for "nigh on" 24 hours. We took it understandably steady Monday morning (I saw Turkey and Black Vulture, Crested CaracaraNorthern Cardinal and a Great-crested Flycatcher) before leaving for SPI at Noon, arriving at our "Condo" at 7pm (I spotted a Harris's Hawk as we were crossing onto the Island). The place is superb and great value. We have 9 nights here.

So to today...Tuesday I think!?

I did my usual "jet-lag induced" early awakening at 5am...couple with just a tad of excitement. I found a store that was open and got some basics for breakfast...which got me double points. Louise wanted a slower morning...can't think why?! I'd arranged to meet Lorna (you may remember her) at the Convention Centre at 8. I threw my old guides in the car...

22 Years Old

...and off I went. She was bang on time with the Clydemobile...

Her tribute to her "pet" Calliope Hummingbird

It was great to see her again. This moment made me fully appreciate the significance of this particular visit, after all the rubbish of the last 3 Years. I was going to make damn sure this trip was a great one. We started to Bird the whole area of this World Class Site...

This area can be crawling with Migrants under the right conditions.The weather wasn't favourable today the wind being Southerly and the sky clear but it didn't matter, as there was more than enough to re-acquaint myself with.

*I feel I should re-iterate at this point that there is absolutely NO intention to boast or brag about the Sites and Birds seen. My aim is to give a factual account of my travels and the experiences I will have on the way. Hopefully you will find something of interest here and maybe some entertainment and humour?*

Broke the ice with 45 species in 2 hours. they're ALL highlights when you visit from another Country! I'll try and get the balance right with the pics. Death by photograph isn't my style but it might be hard at times here!!!

First bird spotted through the greenery...a beacon...

Baltimore Oriole

A preening Rosette Spoonbill from the boardwalk...

The incomparable Reddish Egret (my favourite). A character if ever there was one. This individual being a white morph...

Around 11 we decided to try the Valley Land Fund lot on Sheepshead St. This is the last remaining lot, there used to be 6. Lets hope this can be protected from development for the future?

I've spent many happy hours here also. The highlight this morning was a Lesser Nighthawk flying around at regular intervals! I finally managed to grab some pics when it perched briefly on a couple of occasions on exposed branches...

Other birds seen here were Louisiana Waterthrush, Northern Parula (3) and Orchard Oriole...

We then declared for lunch at a Beach Bar. Mid-afternoon after a brief stop at the Birding Centre, we returned to the Convention Centre and immediately scored with a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher which perched briefly in a tree top...

A Belted Kingfisher did a couple of passes over the boardwalk. Purple Martins floated around feeding over the CC. After some patience (not my strong point) I managed to expose a Sora...

ALL 6 American Rails are possible from this boardwalk!! Black Skimmers came and went repeatedly...

A Purple Gallinule had been reported. We didn't connect but the Common was still pretty dapper...

Those feet!

Speaking of feet...

American Coot

There we go then. A flavour of what's on offer. As I finish this post I can hear thunder...hopefully a special day ahead tomorrow. Come to think of it...they're all special days here...

Trip List 54

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