
Thursday 7 April 2022

NDC - Last Post

Made my FINAL attempt for Garganey today. It wasn't to be...maybe I'm trying too hard. I'm definitely trying...boom boom! 

Gave it a couple of Hours but no joy. Wildfowl numbers had dropped dramatically but shouldn't have affected my chances with a "summer" Duck. Less to look through!

A few birds had settled to breed...

...or were getting there...

A couple of pairs of Pochard were noteworthy and surprising, considering the receding water level...

The drakes

Three Oystercatchers provided good entertainment...

A male Peregrine livened the things up with a couple of passes and at least 4 Buzzards were around. 

My long-awaited (3 years) Texas Trip is looming BUT I don't want to say TOO much with all the COVID red-tape to wade through at the moment! However, I WILL (a contradiction I know) post a few thoughts tomorrow in the interests of positivity....and a touch of nostalgia.

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