
Friday 8 April 2022

Texas 22?

Now I'm deep into my 66th Year the prospect of making it back to Birding Heaven after the Maelstrom that has been the last couple of Years is almost surreal!!!

"Playing the game" can be taxing to say the least...and it isn't over yet, as we have to test "negative" in the morning...or we're NOT GOING! Sleep well? The inconsistencies are baffling...and that's being polite.

This will (hopefully) be my 14th visit to the Lone Star State. You could say I like it! It will be a 2 centre trip. We're spending the fist half down South at SPI (South Padre Island) before travelling North to Galveston for the second half. Less charging around these days. I'll be targeting several key species but the main focus will be always. I'm aware there's some inevitable repetition here but to be honest I can't remember the previous "pearls of wisdom" anyway! Maybe you can't either?

SPI is a world class migrant trap "catching" most Neotropical migrants as they move North for the Summer. There are various sites (links clickable) on the Island but the main two are SPI Birding Centre and the Convention Centre. Reasonably modest areas of vegetation are a magnet for tired migrants under the "right" conditions. The Waterbird show is also spectacular and the boardwalks allow excellent access to the mangroves and bays. In less than an hour you can be Birding in the RGV (Rio Grande Valley) at some other prime Sites including Santa Ana (my favourite) and Bentsen. Both have excellent Hawk Towers with resident Rangers allowing panaramic views over the border area with Mexico. Hook-billed Kite is a much sought after species here. Another reserve (or preserve as they prefer) is Sabal Palm Sanctuary with the incredible Rabb Plantation House. Some other key species of the region are Green Jay, Plain Chachalaca, Olive Sparrow, Audubon's Oriole, Altamira Oriole, Hooded Oriole, Pyrrhuloxia and of course...Roadrunner!

Galveston is in our Hearts. I think Louise likes it more than me...which is handy!! We have 12 nights there which gives us plenty of chance to re-acqaint ourselves with the area. I won't do the song. Again plenty of migrant traps on the 22 mile barrier island. The most famous is Laffitte's Cove which is a high class small preserve in the middle of an exclusive development! 322 species have been recorded here! Amazing! Across the bay is the famous Bolivar Peninsular which has several brilliant Birding Sites. Bolivar Flats is Wader heaven. At the end of the peninsular you reach...High Island which needs no introduction. Anahuac is another must visit just inland from here. The last site to mention is my beloved Sabine Woods which isn't far from the Louisiana border. A superb natural woodland which can be alive with migrants on the "right" day...there's never a bad one to be honest with over THIRTY species of Warbler Vireos, Tanagers, Flycatchers, Orioles, Buntings and more.

There you have it then. As I've said (too) many times, to each there own. This State ticks ALL the boxes for me. It's funny, when I was younger I always wanted to try somewhere new. I don't have that desire any longer. Maybe it's because I've seen the best? I hope you get where you want to go...soon.

I'll hopefully be doing a daily report. Now that IS positive!!!

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