
Wednesday 6 April 2022


Tried and succeeded in dodging the rain this morning BUT boy was it (still) quiet on the way North to the Sewage. The wind didn't help but at least it was dry underfoot. Having checked the North of the Patch I turned for my be greeted by a cc Marsh Harrier (H.78) hurtling North distantly. Spirits lifted! Birding can do that to you.

Half-way back Bud obliged by flushing a Snipe from the usual "rough stuff". He celebrated with a roll...

Finally a further check of the Cliff paddock (no sign on the way out) revealed the lingering Black Redstart still performing well...

A look...

...and away...

Not so quiet after all...

Yesterday found me trying for the umpteenth time for my Duff Garganey. Again no luck for me. Always a pleasure though. A lone Whooper Swan felt sorry for me...

...and kept me entertained.

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