
Monday 7 February 2022

Humber Shoreline

Reports of Black Brant and male Hen Harrier tempted me to have a "skeffle" at Skeffling this morning on a clear, cold February morning...

Even I noticed that some "hard pruning" had taken place!! ALL bushes and trees had been cut back hard with many being removed completely. A sad sight indeed. All part of the Outstrays to Skeffling  managed realignment scheme. More here and here.

A snippet...

What is ‘managed realignment’?

‘Managed realignment’ means altering the location of existing flood defences.  In the case of OtSMRS, this involves building a new embankment further inland and then breaching the old embankment so that sea water can enter through the breach to enable the creation of new intertidal habitats.

They hope to complete by the end of next year?

I didn't see much between Skeffling and Welwick. I nearly went even further as I didn't recognise the Welwick approach track...

The new wall will be quite some undertaking!

I only managed a single Marsh Harrier on a 3 mile return walk. Three figure numbers of Curlew and Lapwing were present. I might have to have a peep slightly further West to Patrington soon.

It should provide some alternative local interest...

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