
Friday 4 February 2022

Coastal Erosion

The above photograph was taken this morning just South of Old Hive looking North towards Withernsea. If you look closely you can just see the Lighthouse. The enormous "bite" in the foreground is the "new look" at Old Hive. The Cliff recession is...quite significant! I've walked this way now for 11 years and I've watched the inevitable change in the Coastline. Spurn has also been hit significantly lately. On a positive note there are some impressive smooth Cliffs for the Sand the moment!?

You can't beat the Sea.

I continued down to the Copse and enjoyed the Yellowhammers (c30)...

...and Tree Sparrows (c20) present. I then drove to Snakey and finally added Grey Partridge (P.79, H.65) and Stock Dove (P.80, H.66) to the Year List.

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