
Thursday 10 February 2022

Change of Plan

I left home early yesterday (6.30) as I was heading over to Duff for an early "sesh" before heading over the tops to visit "mi Mum". I arrived in the Geoff Smith hide at 8. You may remember I waited till dark last week hoping that the Whooper Swan (plus 2 Bewick's) herd would come into roost from the adjacent fields...they didn't.

I could hear the Swans immediately I opened the flaps. There were plenty out there (c80). I decided to go down to Garganey Hide for a closer look and maybe get some flight shots as they departed? Swans were starting to leave as I walked the path but there were still plenty lingering as I reached the Hide on a stunning February morning...

I stayed for 3 hours watching them wake up, stretch off and depart. Magic...





The Plovers were present in force with four figure numbers of both Lapwing and Golden...

...probably a few Dunlin and Ruff in there somewhere! A couple of Stock Doves turned up as I was about to leave...

The Swans were leaving to the East, so I decided to return to the GS Hide at 10, hoping some of the remaining birds would fly past. They did...



Same group 10.32

It was like Manchester Airport! 

I then received a message from my Mother saying she hadn't slept well due to a problem with her hand. After a conversation we decided it was best that I didn't travel on this occasion. Plan B came in the form of a Chip Butty from Mr C's in Selby.

I returned to the GS Hide at 1.30, picking up my Year Long-tailed Tits (10) in the car park...

2 Stonechats were on view as I settled in. Now then, what could I add? The bird that sprung to mind was Peregrine (D, 50)...

The power of positive thinking lol! I stayed till 3.30 when the bird left to terrorize the Wildfowl and Waders...

The icon of the Reserve is the Whooper Swan. I've been watching them here since 1986. I've also been viewing Aughton Church, so it was nice to combine an image of the two yesterday...

A photo I will never tire of...

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