
Thursday 10 February 2022

Good Exercise

Another clear, crisp Winter's Day here on the East Coast of Yorkshire. Time for a good walk. I went North first then doubled back through the Clifftop scrub and headed South to Old Hive.

Frequent scanning of the Sea failed to produce anything until 9.38...

Pink-footed Geese

Not what I was expecting to see...but grateful for it! I make it honest estimate would have been 100

More, even more distantly at 10.03...

An estimated 4 miles out, just in front of the Wind Turbines. This group numbered 58 but I'd have estimated more! Early return? Just shows...keep scanning. I didn't see anymore. Bouyed by this sighting I continued South to Old Hive. I reached the "rough stuff" hoping something might pop out., or more accurately, they did. A small group of birds took off and bobbed around before decending back into the vegetation. Not Snow Buntings and didn't "feel" like Linnets? They gave the brief impression of..."dainty". I wonder. I couldn't locate them for a good 10 minutes in the thick stuff. When I did, they flew off again. Eventually, I managed to spot one and grab a pic...

Small head, pale bill,wing bar, buff face and throat = Twite! 8 of them!!! (P.81, H.67). Possibly/probably the same group Richard had in November? Only my second record after a single bird sat on a fence at dusk at the bottom of School Lane (14/10/2016)...

I've had worse days...

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