
Tuesday 15 February 2022

Yorkshire Pub Heritage

We decided to have a drive out West yesterday. I thought I'd shape myself on Valentine's Day and treat the good lady to a nice Pub Meal...hopefully. I'd not been to this area since the LAMMERGEIER occurrence. I used to come here many Years ago to try for Goshawk but I fear those days are gone due to persecution? The forecast was grim...but we went anyway.

We arrived around 11.30 and it was still persisting it down. I'd booked a table for 2 but we decided to eat earlier if possible...which it thankfully was. We enjoyed a wonderful couple of hours by a log fire enjoying a top meal and desert. I think I scored major points! Thoroughly recommended...

The Strines Inn

Thankfully the rain had stopped by 2 which enabled us to go for a walk...

We even managed a Rainbow

The only birds of note seen were c100 Fieldfares by the car park. It didn't matter, we'd had a great day.

Over to Lancs tomorrow to see my Mother. I may try for the BELTED KINGFISHER on Thursday? As I'm writing this, a Barn Owl has just flown past my lounge window! Feeling blessed...

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