
Wednesday 2 February 2022

No then Yes

Left Holmpton at 5.45 and arrived at Howden for 7. After minor confusion I picked Haydn up and we headed for Lound. We made our way to the site seeing Mistle Thrush and Treecreeper on the way. The pools held Red-crested Pochard (14), Great Crested Grebe and a male Goldeneye. There were good numbers of Siskin around (c80) and a few Redpoll. There was intermittent drumming which was checked out but all we were getting was Great. We strolled around the whole area but by 11 we still hadn't found our elusive target. 

We persevered but alas to no avail. We enjoyed the challenge though on a pleasant,still morning.

Time to move on to our second site but not before Fish and Chips at the Codfather! We arrived at Martin Lane, Bawtry around 1. As I'd been there the previous week, I parked in the same spot and we walked the Lane, eventually in both directions. We soon picked out a large flock of Brambling, albeit distantly. The were a wide variety of plumages present amongst these beautiful birds. They ranged far and wide during our 2 hour visit making close observation and an accurate count difficult. We eventually concluded that that they were well into three figures! Rare sightings come in many guises, it's not just about the individual Rarity. This was the largest group of Bramblings either of us had ever quite some distance.

The light worsened unfortunately and we decided to leave them be at 3. This example highlights the subtleness of the species plumage...

 So, a great day in excellent company.


  1. Hi Alan:

    Just saw your picture on Ebird. As Treasurer of Texas Ornithological Society — appreciated your photo of TOS Sabine Woods. Hopefully you and other UK birders can visit again in late April when things start hopping. Had my best day at Sabine Woods for wood warblers last spring—26 species within walking distance in one day April 25, 2021.

    Good luck on future visits. Let me know if you will be there this April. John Berner jcazberner at yahoo

    John Berner

  2. Hi John, good to hear from you. Hopefully I'll get there this Year after missing the last couple. Booked for 3 weeks, split between SPI and Galveston. Arrive at latter on April 21st till May 3rd. Hopefully we'll bump into each other.
