
Sunday 2 January 2022

Steady Away

Louise is off till Tuesday so no mad gallivanting yet. A leisurely stroll with his Lordship this morning provided the first flock of Fieldfares (10)...

Star bird in the Yard so far is Coal Tit (2) with 4 Tree Sparrows also noteworthy. Richard had a couple of Snow Buntings on Mill Hill.


BIG news in my beloved Texas at the moment in the form of a BAT FALCON on the Mexican border. It's a FIRST for the ABA region. It is also present at my favourite reserve in the (Rio Grande) Valley;  Santa Ana. As the name suggests the species is partly crepuscular which has helped to narrow down the viewing options somewhat. Some of my Texan pals have already connected. I wonder if it will hang around till April?!

Twitch Texas style...

MEGA Party

Sunset view...

This SOCIAL FLYCATCHER is also still present in Brownsville which is the Southernmost city in Texas. It's been on the University campus since November... 

Many thanks to my friend Lorna Clevenger for granting permission to post the photos.

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