
Saturday 1 January 2022

First Post

Sorted out my Bubo Lists...of course! Now then...Targets and Resolutions? Nah, too long in the tooth for all that. The belated Christmas Bird Count never materialized due to personal matter. Family comes first.

Bearing in mind I have followers from near and far I try to pass on a variety of opinion and information without being too self-indulgent...hopefully? This is an ego-free zone.

Having said that it would be nice to reach 150 for my Village Year List...that's not too much to ask but I haven't made it yet. My best is 138 in 2020. Certain habitats are limited/absent which makes the challenge a tough one but it will be fun trying. I also aim to visit other areas of the Patch more but there won't be any systematic structure to my visits...there never is! 200 should be easily within reach, especially if I nip down the road more. Hopefully there'll be a few additions.

The WHITE-TAILED PLOVER has turned up in Lincs very close to where my pal Phil used to live in Goxhill. What a find that would have been! The BELTED KINGFISHER is also lingering near Preston and a New Year visit isn't out of the question.

I sincerely hope that whatever plan you have (if you have one at all) for this Year will turn out to be enjoyable and won't be restricted too much...if you get my drift. Have a good 1...

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