
Tuesday 4 January 2022

Off we go...

...or more I go!

Dawn till dusk around the Patch today, to see how many species I might chance upon. No planning or previous recce, just a random jaunt on a wonderful crisp and sunny Winter's day. After an initial (failed) look for Barn Owl on Snakey I made my way to Skeffling as the tide was favourable for viewing waders and maybe I'd get lucky with Harriers and SEO? As I drove the track to the car park...yep...a Barn Owl flew over the car! A great start. The view East to Spurn was stunning...

Bud and I walked West to the Welwick gate but no Harriers or SEO were seen. However I did get lucky with a VERY distant flock of Whooper Swans (18)...

...and a surprise group of Barnacle Geese (8)...

...12 Pintail were also noteworthy, as was a hovering Stonechat. After returning to the car I decided to try and get closer to the Whoopers (to make sure a Bewick's wasn't amongst them) but despite trying a few tracks I couldn't re-find them. On the way out though I passed another small group of what I thought were all Mute's...I was wrong as this individual popped its head up...

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I returned towards Withernsea,,,and Couplands! Nothing at the Sewage except Richard and Ringed Plover! A second look along Snakey produced the hoped for Red-legged Partridge...

...and there was also a large flock of Fieldfares (c200)...

After around 15 minutes I managed to find a couple of Redwings...

The BIG sighting though was 2 Mute Swans next to the new Sewage Works towards Hollym. Less than annual in these here parts. I didn't see a Song or Mistle Thrush all day!

After lunch I had a drive down to Kinsea to pick up a few more Year ticks. I didn''t expect to see Pochard there, although the water level is very high. A quick look at Canal Scrape produced a Little Grebe but no luck with Water Rail.

I finished off at Welwick after snatching a Turnstone by the Crown and Anchor! Again, no luck with Hen Harrier and SEO (surprising that) but three Marsh Harriers in the evening glow were nice...

...grabbed the last one!

 A wonderful day in the much needed sunshine finishing with a spectacular sunset...

I managed a modest 62 species without busting a gut. Other highlights were StonechatMany embarrassing omissions like Oystercatcher, Grey Plover, Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Wren and Greenfinch! Good fun though.

I liked it that much I'm going to do another one later in the week...with a bit more thought this time.Hope I beat 62!!

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