
Friday 14 January 2022

Snakey Stroll

I've driven along Snakey hundreds nay thousands of times over the last decade. It's a great little road with some nice habitat and key birds. Today was glorious so I decided to walk it (6 miles)...with my mate, needless to say! 

Fieldfare Field

Highlights were a flock of 21 Curlews (the most I've seen here in one flock) and a large flock of Fieldfare (c200).

No targets were added even though there was plenty to go at...

Canada Goose
Stock Dove
Grey Partridge (a couple of Partridge sp exploded into the sun?)
Golden Plover
Little Owl
Corn Bunting

I guess the best sighting was a Woodcock flying along the hedge straight towards me, something I wouldn't have enjoyed as much in the car.Oh I did add Mallard (H.56) on the Duck Pond lol!

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