
Thursday 13 January 2022

BAIKAL TEAL - The story continues

...or is it, drags on!?

After Dale Midddleton's excellent find at Hornsea Mere on Sunday, the/a bird was seen at Top Hill Low yesterday afternoon. Just kiddin. I think we can safely say it's the same individual, can't we?

This morning I headed for a session at Duff as the forecast was for a clear, still, sunny day. I walked the lad North from Bubwith bridge along the River Derwent, always a fine sight...

On returning to the car, a message...

E.Yorks BAIKAL TEAL drk east of Beverley at Swine Moor


I wasn't far away (38 mins) and after checking access on the superb Google Maps, I decided to have a go, maybe I could get a pic? After driving over the River Hull and taking the minor road towards Weel I came across three cars at a pull in...and three Birders on the bank! Things looked promising. I wound the window down and asked them if it was the time honoured way. Turned out on e was Roy Lyon and another was Gary Taylor. I parked up and was getting my gear together when Gary shouted "better take a look in case it flies off". I obliged. The bird was unfortunately distant but clear to see through his scope...

It's the little one in the middle!

Not the pic I was hoping for!! Enough has been said about provenance (you'll be pleased to here). Let's just see what the panel decides. Maybe I'll get my Yorkshire Tick after all?

I drove back to NDC and had a pleasant, if very quiet couple of hours, the highlights being Marsh Harrier and Stonechat. The light and view were stunning. It was also nice to see Elaine from the Village with her hearing Dog, a real cutie! I've known her for over 30 years, since I used to visit Wheldrake Ings regularly. Time flies...

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