
Monday 17 January 2022


According to my records I've seen 4 Lesser-spotted Woodpeckers in my time. In chronological order...

Clumber Park     3/1/1987
Worsbrough CP  22/1/1988
Wheldrake Ings  24/3/1996
St Aidan's           31/7/2004

I'd been toying with the idea of trying to  see some species this Year that I haven't seen for a long while and this was right up there on the List. So, a call from Phil saying he'd heard of a report in Notts at Lound GP sounded interesting! He told me he'd arranged to meet Dave Hursthouse who would show us the spot. It was a stunning Winter's day, so the scene was set. We searched thoroughly and saw plenty of Great BUT we couldn't locate our target bird. We enjoyed trying and did get a distant peep at the American Wigeon nearby. Good company and exercise and a promise to return to try again.

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