
Saturday 22 January 2022


Yet another cracking day here on the South Holderness Coast. The combination of saturated land and strong swells has taken its toll on our fragile Cliffs. Some significant "bites" have been taken! I still have access from the Runnel to the Sewage...but not for long. I won't be building a Jetty yet.

Still no sign of any Snow Buntings; they've probably all funneled down the road! On the return leg Bud helped locate a Snipe (P.77, H.62) in the rough stuff, shortly followed by a couple more. A tight flock of Skylarks (c20) flying North over the Runnel was...surprising.

Last stop before the Footy was on Snakey. I decided to have a "sit" in a pull-in, hoping for a Harrier...maybe? Just as I was about to leave I heard a familiar but unexpected sound...

Pink-footed Geese (P.78, H.63)

I counted 66. Always special for me...especially passing in mid-winter. I messaged Richard...then he appeared in the distance! He'd heard them but couldn't pick them up.

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