
Friday 21 January 2022

Natural High

Long morning at the South End of the Village today...started early...

I wanted to check out the stubble field again, more thoroughly this time. Mark Thomas had found some Shore Larks and Lapland Buntings at Buckton never know? No luck there, unsurprisingly, BUT I did add Corn Bunting (5) to the Year List (P.75, H.60). I returned to Cliff Farm to do a super-optimistic Seawatch! I wasn't disappointed BUT I did manage 3 Common Scoter (P.76, H.61) flying North. Richard joined me briefly having walked from home; he managed to find the Corn Buntings on his return journey.

It's been great to enjoy the High Pressure system with little Fog. Looks like it's set to continue for a while. Always a blessing in January!

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