
Tuesday 25 January 2022

A Grand Day Out

Louise had Monday's off...well earned! The forecast looked favourable, so off we went to Upper Teesdale..with our friend! Two targets and the promise of some wonderful scenery beckoned. A "wintering" Red-flanked Bluetail had been tempting me for a while and the prospect of seeing some long-overdue Black Grouse completed the scenario nicely.

We managed to leave home at the planned 6.30am. Three hours and 150 miles later we arrived at Langdon Beck...

The large field in the distance is the traditional area for Black Grouse but despite walking around the area for a couple of hours we couldn't find any...which was surprising! They had been seen here by Birders on previous days? We drove North over the tops into the next Valley and completed a circular route back to Langdon Beck. Still no joy, so time for lunch at the Pub. Maybe not, as it was being renovated!! It was now gone 1 and we hungry. My plan was to have lunch here then try for the RFB. Plan B had to be hatched...a 45 minute drive to Tan Hill! After a confirming phone call we headed for the A66 and beyond arriving at 2.30...

An excellent if expensive meal was enjoyed. I knew it wasn't my day when the Landlords was flat;Black Sheep was ample compensation...nearly! We arrived back at Holmpton at 8pm after a long but very enjoyable Winter's Day. So, no targets seen but a Grand Day Out...


A slower day today! Gloomy and very cold which was hardly inspiring after yesterday. I decided to have a cruise around Sunk Island and Stone Creek hoping for a Hen Harrier or a SEO. Nothing at Stone Creek, although there is some encouraging set-aside there? I returned via Newlands Road and I'm glad I did...

Whooper Swans (19 Adults, 2 Juveniles)

That certainly brightened up a miserable day...

It was also wonderful to hear them calling frequently. You've probably got the idea by now that I'm rather fond of this Species! I stayed with them for an hour just watching and listening to them from the car. No HH or SEO but by now I didn't care...

Taking a nap

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