
Tuesday 18 January 2022

Nice and easy does it


I checked out a few different spots around the Village today, on yet another idyllic Winter's Day...a few more to come hopefully? A January "High" always welcome, as long as the dreaded Fog doesn't appear. Fingers crossed.

Still plenty to "go at" as already listed. The sea is noisy but VERY quiet, at least for me. Snakey was slightly more productive with the large Fieldfare flock (c200) still in residence. An afternoon stroll produced my F.O.Y Mediterranean Gull (P.73, H.57) followed shortly after by c50 Lapwings (H.58) which was a record count. They were seen distantly over the "Bunker" on Rysome Lane. Maybe having a stretch from the Humber?

Chatting to Dave Hursthouse yesterday got me thinking about totting up how many species I've seen in  England over the Years. Dave doesn't "do" islands but has seen 530 species in England alone!!! Asking him why he doesn't travel further afield, he replied, "I don't want to enter a contest I can't win". Fair enough. I share those sentiments to an extent and as you know I'm selective in my attempts. It's cheaper also!

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