
Wednesday 12 January 2022

Slow going

Having a look through my "should have seen by now" list I spent some time on Snakey but no Plovers, Partridges or Doves seen. However, I did see my first Sparrowhawk (H. 53) zooming West along the lane... I had another on the way home!

Next stop was the Sewage. As I approached I scanned the building for Little Owl; no luck there but a couple of Buzzards on adjacent post were unusual. I negotiated the sludge and headed North towards Intack through the stubble...

30 minutes of coverage eventually revealed 7 Skylarks (H.54). Nothing else unfortunately in this sometimes productive habitat.  A BIG bonus on the way home came in the form of a lone Woodcock (H.55) heading North through the trees on Seaside lane.

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