
Tuesday 21 September 2021

Shetland - Day 4

Where to start today? Somewhere quiet...with potential. I about the Village where I saw my SIBERIAN RUBYTHROAT. Name dropper!

I always inten. ded to try and re-visit the Sites of my BIG FOUR twitches to Shetland...just to test the memory. I'd already mentioned that I'm staying close to the site of the TENGMALM'S OWL...

This will bring back happy memories for those of you who made the trip. It certainly did for me. My story here...and a pic...

So this morning I headed for Levenwick...

...where I saw my SR on 4/10/2014. I spent a very pleasant couple of hours strolling around the Beach and Village adding a few trip ticks and successfully remembering the sites I'd stood in the torrential rain...what joy!

Dipped here on the 3rd...

Ticked here on the 4th...

A great memory

I also bumped into a Birder from Hertfordshire. We had a good chat and seemed to be on the same page regarding many topics. I added Razorbill, Great Northern Diver and Kittiwake. I then contnued Soth to the Geosetter area as some Pink-footed Geese had been reported. I drove the minor road checking the large numbers of Greylags but couldn't find them, so I went to the local shop for a bite. On return I checked yet another stubble field...and saw some dark heads poking up...

Very satisfying as it had taken a good hour. I also put some other Birders on them...

I also had great views of a Peregrine. Time for the renowned Quendale Area, the site of many a "good bird". I drove beyond the Mill and took the track along the West side of the Bay. Four Brent Geese had been reported.I didn't hold up much hope as the sea was crashing in against the rocks with no mud exposed. Amazingly there they were feeding in the shallows...

Another satisfying re-find. I met my new pal again and he told me he'd had a flock of Black-tailed Godwits on the pool. I drove back up the road for a better viewpoint and scanned the pool. I could only see Greylag Geese initially. Then...the flock flew in for me...

Distant but a wonderful sight; the highlight of the day. I also sneaked my first Coot...heady stuff...

...and a Moorhen!

I checked the bushes around the Mill...

...but couldn't find anything although 15 Swallows zooming about provided some interest. I then tried the impressive Loch of Spiggie. Hopefully you can just see 7 Whooper Swans tucked away in the bottom of the picture...

There were also a flock of 27 Mute Swans present. I also added Skylark here. I finished off back at Sumburgh finding a large flock of Chaffinches (c100) in the Lower Quarry...a small sample...

As I was "there" I decided to take a quick look from the Lighthouse...

On the drive up I saw Rock Doves as good as any I guess!

The view from the top...

My last stop was another trip down memory lane. This is were eBird came into its own. I entered the site from my record and off I went. There's no way I would have remembered where it was. Can you guess the species? I took a minor road up a steep hill, past a radio mast...

...and onto a Quarry...

This was the Site of Britain's First SIBERIAN ACCENTOR. I saw the bird on 10/10/2016. My report here. Little did I know that THREE days later I'd be looking at one in Easington hopping around on an old schoolyard!!! It didn't diminish the thrill of this adventure though...and I got my Yorkshire Tick! Whoever found this bird out here deserves a medal!

So, it's Half-time. I'm hoping to up my game for the second half. I'll be sticking to my strategy of adding Shetland ticks (it's a context thing) then generally Birding the area. It's "blowing a hoolie" outside (40mph)..and hopefully bringing me a present?

Trip Total 60

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