
Monday 20 September 2021

Shetland - Day 3

Woke on the alarm (as you do) at 6. Fine and bright so I had a walk around the immediate area, not seeing anything of note.

I started at Gulberwick, the site of the previously reported Wryneck. Needless to say (although I will) I didn't see it. However it was a beautiful morning so I enjoyed my 2 hour walk around the Village. This is a wonderful location just South of Lerwick...

I found my first Rock Pipit...

As I walked the Village checking the gardens and spare land I couldn't help but envy some of the residents of their spectacular view...

I was aware I was seeing it on a good day. Still!!!

There had to be Ponies...

Late morning saw me trying...and failing to get a better view of the KING EIDER at Wadbister Voe. News on the WhatsApp group allowing closer access made no difference as the flock drifted out into the middle of the bay. Very generous of the owner to allow access though. I will return.

It's in here somewhere...

After the chip buttie in Lerwick I drove South to Grutness to try for the "Whinstart"! I saw the bird briefly and distantly before it flew high into the air and I lost it. I didn't see it again in an hours subsequent search? It was quite windy. I did see my first Shetland Wren...

A very dark bird

It was starting to rain now so news of a Great White Egret (always will be for me) at Walls on the West Coast tempted me, especially as I would be driving past my digs which would mean a short journey back. I arrived around 5 and it was very dark but I started to scan the bay. No sign. I then decided to take a minor road South towards Whiteness. Again I stopped and searched but still no sign. Then there it was walking out from behind a rock...

I prefer a find...but I'll take a refind! I'll save the find for later in the week?! A young lad then appeared around the headland with his dog...and Bingo...he flushed it and it flew closer...

I drove further round the bay as I'd seen some Lapwings; I counted 30. Always nice to see. As I was counting them I noticed a cow pat that wasn't one...

My first Shetland Snipe

There were also 5 Curlews present...

...and 25 Turnstones...nort forgetting the lone Black-headed Gull...

All birds matter...right?

Trip List 49

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