
Tuesday 10 August 2021

On the Move

Definite evidence of return passage here now. Tonight's stroll to the cliff saw many Terns heading South c 1 mile out. I admit I haven't got into gear yet regarding a proper grill through the scope (lazy). However, I was able to pick out my first admitedly distant Arctic Skua (P.124, H.117) on the sea...

...typically chasing a Tern briefly before heading South...

This is my earliest record beating last year by 5 days. 

I also had a Whimbrel on the beach earlier at the Sewage which was pleasing, as my sightings are usually "in flight"...

It's looking like the BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS has moved on. So, I feel it's appropriate to say..."thanks for the memories"...they are some of the best I will ever have the fortune to look back on. Hopefully it will return next year?

A few "catch up" images...


Juvenile Skylark in a local pea field...

A Wood Pigeon that would easily break the speed limit...

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