
Wednesday 11 August 2021

Early then Late

Covered as much of the Coast path as I could this morning starting at Cliff Farm and an early result when a male Marsh Harrier flushed out of the grass right in front of me. The Sand Martin colony at Old Hive is buzzing (see what I did there). An estimate of 300 birds now wouldn't be over-zealous I feel...a fine spectacle! I finished off at the Sewage after the Runnel and returned home for a coffee at 11.30.

A message at 12.21...

Osprey flew South over Beacon Ponds then Kilnsea

I like to think it came along the Humber!!!

I had to travel to York for a Dental Appointment this afternoon. As I returned via Tesco I stopped of at the Sewage again for a break. The tide was in and I wasn't expecting much although I thought some Terns might pass and maybe another accompanying Skua? Sandwich Terns were moving South close in but the "smaller stuff" was way out. There were hundreds of Gulls loafing on the water and I managed a belated Med' Gull (P.125, H.118) rush...

The big surprise was, that in 30 minutes, I had 2 Redshank, 2 Turnstone and 5 Dunlin all flying South close in. You never know. Wish I'd seen the Osprey though!

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