
Sunday 8 August 2021

Black Stork - a great start to the Second Half!!!

I needed something decent to get the ball rolling again...and boy did I get it!  The Olympic Marathon was truly incredible with Eliud Kipcoghe from Kenya retaining his title from Rio in 2 hours 8 minutes and 38 seconds!!! 26 miles at sub-five minute mile pace in 30 degree heat and 70% humidity! Most pro-footballers couldn't do one under 5 minutes on a cool day. Amazing!

I didn't stay up and had to wait for the BBC I-Player to catch up before I could enjoy it today. As I was engrossed in the first few miles...a message...

Possible Black Stork reported at Grimston by a non-birder

Time to pause the race and head for Cliff Farm for a bonus walk for Bud. I gave it an hour but no joy by 1pm. Back to the Marathon...I was pacing myself well! Onto 2.17 when Gavin sent me a message...

Black Stork just flown over my garden heading South

...he lives in Withernsea which is 3 miles to the North...time to move...quickly! My gear was still in the car and I headed quickly back to Cliff Farm, as I figured it was best to go to the South of my generous recording area. It did cross my mind to scan from the bedroom for a "house tick" but that was quickly dismissed as far to risky! Once there I started to look North. I had a panoramic view and as I'd reacted quickly I was fairly optimistic. I scanned back and forth from the cliff to well inland but I couldn't pick it out. Had it u-turned or maybe flown inland? In my haste I'd forgotten my phone and didn't have my scope but then...over the Village I picked up a larger speck. I couldn't be certain but it looked "good"...

Camera power beats Bins power - the wind turbines are at Roos!

I watched the shape for a few minutes hoping it would head my way but it seemed to be circling and drifting West. It was still in view. I cracked. I got back in the car and headed back towards the Village. I pulled up some 200 yards from the trees to give me a decent view but there was, of course, no sign?

What to do? As I was weighing up my next move I glanced across the stubble field to my right...

Black Stork (H.184)

Rather Nice!!! A good decision to come back to the Village.

Quite a surprise as I'm sure you can imagine. The next few minutes were sheer quality as I watched a Black Stork circling low over a field in my Village...doesn't happen every day! A birder from With' (Mark Andrews) turned up and we both watched the bird drift South. Interestingly, it didn't hug the coast but crossed the road further inland which further backed up my decision to return. Lucky. The bird apparently continued South over Easington at one point being mobbed by the local Peregrine!

A few more images...

A fantastic addition to my Village List and definitely room for it in my Top Ten.


  1. And if you'd stayed at home would you have seen it from the house?

  2. Just seen this as it went to spam for some reason? I'll never know. Possibly...but too risky!!
