
Tuesday 11 May 2021

Spring has sprung

Warmer last and as a consequence...more activity from our feathered friends. I tried again for Garganey but I didn't connect. I bumped into Barry Bishop in the Geoff Smith hide, it was good to see him. We had a good chat and shared a few sightings before he left...he'd been there since 7...and seen a drake Garganey!

I definitely got my Swift fix today as there were over 100 feeding over the reserve! A fantastic sight and well worth waiting for...I think? 

Then, a familiar sound...a Cuckoo (77). The bird was present throughout my stay but was very difficult to see. Eventually it gave itself up...albeit distantly over the river...

Eventually it flew a short distance to another tree...

Then away...

The water level had risen due to the recent rains which had caused problems for some breeding species. This Coot was trying again...

Another was luckier, being well above water...for now...

Others were safe as houses...

The scrape was producing more sightings of more species with a pair of Tufted Ducks present...

...and a Gadwall...

A really smart Duck

It wasn't all about birds as there was almost constant action by the local Brown Hares...

Lovely animals.

Add on an impressive variety of birdsong and you have a great place to be.


  1. It was a pleasure to see you and Bud again. I must plan a trip down "Snakey Lane and some of the other places you mention in your blog.
    Take care, good birding

  2. Ditto Barry. You're welcome anytime. Let me know when you want to come over and I'll be glad to show you around.
