
Monday 10 May 2021

On the Beach

After yesterday's visit to my Granddaughters (I think the present was a winner!)...

...I began today with a walk along the Runnel to check out the tilled Dotterel again...chortle, chortle! 5 Ringed Plovers and a Dunlin was some consolation. They soon moved on

I then saw my first House Martins (P,101, H,99) of the Year, followed shortly afterwards by my FOY Redshank (P.102, H.100).

My next decision was made for me...

Social distancing isn't a problem here...

It was Bud's first swim for quite a while...and he loved it, as always...

Then...a raptor appeared high from the South. After a bit of mandatory fumbling, I managed a few snaps...

cc Marsh Harrier evetually flew strongly East and out to sea.

The evening stroll was uneventful but "catching" a Whitethroat in flight was nice...

...and a superb male Blackbird was belting it out by the Cliff. What a bird...

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