
Wednesday 12 May 2021

Local Quality

I couldn't find anything by the Cliff or Paddock, so I drove up to Cliff Farm and we walked down to Old Hive Copse. I was hoping for a Spotted Flycatcher...or anything at all really!

I was curious to see if the Bunting flock was still around. It was, so I had some fun trying to pick out a few birds to photograph. The birds were very skittish so I just stood and did my mate...

He did flush a couple of Grey Patridges on the way down to be fair! 

Eventually I managed to "catch" a few through the trees...

Corn least 6 present, some singing

A few Yellowhammer pics...

Lighting up the bushes...

Great birds...and yep...lucky to have both locally, as many areas aren't so fortunate...

Very enjoyable.

I spent the last couple of hours at the Sewage finishing on the Cliff at Holmpton. A report of a Little Owl came to least for today. Nothing of note flew past but I did spot 3 Sanderling that were on the beach briefly before flying South...

A boost came in the form of a Yellow Wagtail that flew out of the field and landed quite close, it was a cracking male...

...then its mate appeared...I thought it would have been the other way around?

Another class bird to have breeding locally.

Then a Wheatear appeared...

...then another...

I could hear a Skylark but I couldn't see anything in the sky...that's because it was singing from a clod of earth!

Full prolonged song from the ground

I can't recall having seen this before? It was also nice to see the local House Martins back at their traditional breeding site.

Richard sent me a message informing me of what he'd seen. He'd also had an unusual sighting. a Wheatear perched in a bush. Imagine my amazment when I got back to the Village when the bird was still there!!

I was hoping to see some Terns today (Richard had some Sandwich)...maybe tomorrow?

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