
Sunday 23 May 2021


Friday found me at Duff as the weather was abysmal and I either sat in the house...or the hide! This month has been say the least...and VERY disappointing "migrationwise". The cold wet weather has been disastrous for many young birds. The Coots have lost their brood on the scrape sadly; but they were already rebuilding to try again...I like that.

The Mute Swan is still sitting tight though...

Still no Garganey for me, although there are flocks up the road...apparently! Very little Warbler activity...I wonder why! Highlights of this visit were...

Whooper Swan - still looking in prime condition
Mute Swan - 76 birds counted

Greylag Goose - at least 18 goslings
Pintail - pr
Tufted Duck - pr
Wigeon - 3 males
Swift - c100
Curlew - 6, some displaying
Lapwing - c30, some displaying
Snipe - a single bird drumming
Redshank - 4
Little Egret - 2


Late evening on Friday I received a message informing me an ALPINE SWIFT had been seen at Spurn at dusk along the canal. Another opportunity to add to my Spurn total. I rose at 4am and was "in situ" by the Vistors Centre by 4.30. I gave it till 6 but there was no further reports of the I went back to bed!


This morning we had our traditional Sunday morning stroll around the Village. On returning down Seaside Road I added Garden Warbler (P.110, H.106) to my Year List and enjoyed brief views of a pair of Bullfinches...

A Yellowhammer with nest material by the garage was noteworthy...

Thinking I might need to spread my wings slightly with a few trips to some of my other Patch sites...


A couple of "bits" from Texas. They've had their First Limpkin recently and there's a Gray Flycatcher at SPI presently...

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