
Tuesday 25 May 2021

NDC Big Sit

The good lady had to visit her Dentist in York so I cadged a lift and she dropped me off at NDC around midday.

As I opened the hide flaps, a wonderful scene greeted me...
6 Cygnets

After the negativity regarding the poor conditions for fledged birds this was indeed a fine and uplifting sight! "Ne'er cast a clout till May is out"...

Is it the Month or the Flower? It doesn't seem to be clear? I prefer the Hawthorn angle!

I'm aware of repetition having visited quite a few times over the past few weeks, so I'll try to be succinct...I usually am, to be fair...aren't I? Got to make the most of the Spring before the Summer doldrums.

The weather was still volatile and as always, I was hoping something "good" would drop in. I enjoyed a pleasant hour seeing and hearing what was about, while enjoying the wonderful view that I never tire of...

The River is in sight again!

I was then joined by two Birders, one was John Heaton who lives locally and was someone I'd seen from time to time over recent years. I said I'd give you a mention you read my Blog! Much obliged. His friend Nigel Robinson was trying out his new Swarovski "bins". We spent the next hour discussing various wildlife topics (I added Common Tern to my year list, as two birds fed distantly along the river) before they left and I moved down to Garganey Hide...

A nice carpet of Buttercups

A Moorhen passed close by...

I counted 74 Mute Swans but couldn't see the Whooper...which was concerning, as I felt it wouldn't migrate at this late date? I needn't have worried, as it eventually appeared from the far side of the Bund and rested up on one leg!

After around 15 minutes it started to walk along it in my direction. The weather was poor now but the bird seemed oblivious to the heavy rain (which continued unabated) and continued East along the Bund...

Passing strangers

It then returned West...

I like to think I was rewarded for my loyalty. It's somewhat fitting that the iconic species of the reserve has left a Sentinel bird to watch over things until its counterparts return in the Autumn.

NINE drumming Snipe in torrential rain are worth a mention!

No Garganey for me but a nice surprise to end a 5 hour vigil came in the form of a lone Little Grebe (83) that suddenly materialised on the pool by the hide...

There's always a surprise...if you watch long enough.

The last word goes to this bush by the River!!!

On this date in 2010 I had my best sighting for the Reserve. I'd just got home from work and had taken my Rocky down for his walk...

I noticed a bird perched in the top of the bush...

My moment...

Never say never BUT that will take some beating!

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