
Wednesday 19 May 2021

Dip in at Duff

A busy 24 hours compounded by the M62...and closed roads...and accidents meant my mini-trip West was somewhat more fraught than anticipated! Anyway, it was great to see my Mother, Sister, Son and Grandchildren! I cut the grass at 7 this morning! The final twist was the appointment I dashed  back for at lunchtime...was cancelled!!

Anyway...the Birds.

I arrived at Duff at 10...hoping yet again to see a Garganey...and yet again I failed. Maybe I'm trying to hard? Visible water is now very limited, which obviously doesn't help. There's plenty out there but the emergent! Both Mute Swans were present on the scrape...and asleep...

The Coots were active...and successful...

at least 6 young present with a proud parent

The scrape was quiet otherwise, so I walked down to Garganey Hide. There were plenty of Geese on the bund. Always worth checking for something...different...

Today I was lucky...a preening Egyptian Goose...


This was only my second record for NDC following a single in the adjacent arable on 18/3/2011I remember running down the path towards Garganey Hide to connect. Those were the days! The weather is still strange, highlighted by an impressive hail shower...

The Goose needed a good shake...

Smart plumage...a touch of native American?

A vocal Oystercatcher stood out amongst the greenery...

The bund interest continued as the Whooper Swan was also sorting itself out after the squall...

The brown staining acquired in Spring is apparent here. There were still plenty of hirundines and Swifts feeding over the reserve. A distant Red Kite was also nice; then it was time to leave. As I returned to the Geoff Smith Hide, Barry Bishop was arriving. I joined him for a while before departing for my family duties.

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