
Monday 26 April 2021

A couple of "good uns"

A late one of the Wheatear at Cliff Farm yesterday...

A couple of interesting sightings this morning. As we reached the cliff a male Goosander flew South along the tideline. Too quick for a pic'. Further down the beach beyond the second pill box, a large white blob turned out to be a Gannet! I had a bird fly along the cliff edge once but this was my first sighting of a bird on terra firma. Immediate thoughts turn to injury or illness but I was relieved to see the bird fly when approached by dog walkers. Hopefully it was just resting? 

A late afternoon sorte started with a walk up Seaside Lane were a Chiffchaff was belting it out. Usually difficult to photograph this one gave itself up easily...

As I was trying to get a pic Richard pulled up. He'd just been down to Spurn and on his way back he'd seen a Peregrine with prey being harrassed by a Hen Harrier! Very nice.

I continued my walk North to the Llama Farm but it didn't produce the hoped for Swift or House Martin but a record count of 31 Oystercatchers also heading North made the effort worth while...

Bud flushed a Meadow Pipit from the rough grass which lingered long enough for a pic...

Texas - on this date

Only one bird of note was seen on April 26th during my 13 visits, although not all have been in Spring! A visit to Big Bend and Cattail Falls finally produced a decent if brief view of the highly elusive Gray Vireo.  This is a species I had tried for on numerous occasions without success on previous visits out West.

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