
Sunday 25 April 2021


It was great to see a build up of Sand Martins at a newish site North of the first pill box this morning...despite the continuing Northerlies.

Texas -  on this date


The site I visited was one I'd been looking forward to seeing for a while. It's called "the bowl" in the Guadalupe Mountains of North Texas. This micro-climate contained some local species that I was hoping to add to my list. It was a strenuous climb (I was younger then) which meant an early start pre-dawn. Fortunately I didn't get lost and arrived on-site mid-morning. 

Mountain Chickadee
Brown Creeper
Virginia Warbler
Western Bluebird
Dark-eyed Junco


Checking eBird I discovered I was back there a year the day! I managed to add a few more...

Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Black-chinned Sparrow

I also added the local Juniper Titmouse at the Frijole Ranch and Lark Bunting (hundreds at a grain farm...a vivid memory) and Brewer's Sparrow on the way back to Fort Stockton.

Virtual Texas

The only consolation about missing the SPI fall on the 18th was that I would have still been in Galveston. Hopefully, I'll catch one next year? Upper Coast events are more regular as the birds have to cross the Gulf of Mexico, so a "fill your boots" day is more expected.

An example of a group in the trees at Sabine Woods to brighten things up...

Yellow-billed Cuckoos resting up

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