
Tuesday 27 April 2021


Crappy forecast locally today. I had a few things to do in Hull, so I decided to continue to Duff for a morning session. I'm fine trudging the local cliffs and fields but I do still like a good sit in the hides, watching what comes and goes...and remains of course! I am drawn like a moth to a flame lol!

I added five year ticks, taking me to 68

Black-tailed Godwit - at least 15 birds present in the long grass. Easier to view at distance from the Geoff Smith Hide but two eventually gave themselves away from Garganey Hide. Always great to get a view of these beauties...

Wonderful chestnut colour

Sedge Warbler - singing by the Geoff Smith Hide
House Martin - A single bird. Chuffed to get a record shot considering the distance and speed of the bird...

Whitethroat - in front of the Geoff Smith Hide

Linnet - a pair came into the scrape for a drink

Still present on the scrape was probably the same Common Sandpiper and one Yellow Wagtail. Other notable species were...

Whooper Swan 2
Great Crested Grebe 2
Oystercatcher 3
Lapwing c40
Curlew c 20
Chiffchaff c6
Willow Warbler c4
Blackcap pr

This male Shoveler struck a nice pose by Garganey Hide...

It was wonderful to see and hear the Lapwings and Curlews displaying across this natural setting. A rare sight these days. The hoped for Swift never materialised.

Texas - on this day


This will always be Bobolink day for me. I'd waited a looooooooong time to add this bird to my Texas List. A combination of the birds scarcity in the State and my dates not coinciding with its passage, meant it was now my No1 target. A day earlier there had been reports of birds arriving on Galveston Island and eBird also had records on the 26th. So, dawn on the 27th had me on Settegast Rd near the Artist Boat Coastal Heritage Preserve (bit of a mouthful) on Galveston Island. Much hopeful scanning ensued. Local birders the previous day were viewing from the roofs of their trucks. I didn't think that was a great idea with my rental!

Louise was in place with her folding chair and novel whilst I continued to search. A guy appeared who I had seen previously at Lafitte's Cove. He turned out to be Greg Hall, the ranger for the preserve. He asked me if I was looking for anything in particular. When I told him, he immediately beckoned me to climb over the wire and join him in his buggy! The next thing I knew we were hurtling across the preserve towards some bushes, where I eventually saw this...

A stunning species

A brilliant experience coupled with an awesome bird. Success at last. I thanked Greg...a lot! He was quite a character who kept snakes as pets!! When I got back to Louise her comment was..."I thought I saw someone who looked like you in that field"!?

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