
Thursday 7 March 2024

Cyprus 24

6 Days to go!

I saw a Tweet this morning regarding the illegal trapping there...of which I am VERY aware. Many Years ago I went to the Bird Fair and attended one of the lectures on this very subject. I entered with the mind set of..."I'll never go there". After listening to the Speaker I had the opposite view. He explained it was far better to travel there, make yourself visible and spread the Nature Tourism message. The Committee Against Bird Slaughter agree, as they liked my "Definitely" reply to a local Birder's tweet along these very lines.

I intend to visit some new Sites on this trip, in an increased effort to "find my own". I will of course Twitch any Species I haven't seen there...and maybe one or two I have! The Google group email alerts have now combined with the WhatsApp group, which puts information neatly in one envelope. It will be great to renew past acquaintances and see many of the special Birds this Island has to offer. Oh...and it will be nice to see the SUN!!!

The WHITE-THROATED KINGFISHER was reported as still present today at Phassouri Reedbed (I prefer the Old School name...but then I would wouldn't I!) . Now that WOULD be a nice start to the Trip!?
My pal Phil's last full day tomorrow. Hope something special arrives for him.

I'll post a few final thoughts on Monday before we leave...

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