
Tuesday 5 March 2024

Birding Therapy

As I was leaving Hull Westbound on the A63 yesterday, looking forward to a day in the car broke down...again!!! This is after paying a significant amount to get it repaired...again! Fortunately (if there was any) I was approaching a lay-by which I just managed the freee-wheel into, otherwise I'd have been ON the A63! It was Louise's day off (more dubious fortune). To cut a lengthening Story shorter, she eventually arrived we transferred Bud to her car and the Breakdown Truck took my beloved car back to the Garage.

We all have bad luck but it's coming in spades at the moment. I thought long and hard before splashing out on this latest repair as my old girl is 22 years old...but I'm a degree. I've had V70's (5) since 2003..the current one is actually a Year older than my first!? It's the perfect Make and Model for me. This will probably be my last one (I said that last time) and I want to give this one it's best "shot". She's pushing it though...

There ends Top Gear.

Louise suggested carrying on, as she could go Shopping in York and drop me off at Duff. I'm a lucky some respects. I gave it 15 minutes by Bubwith Bridge looking for the AW but the aspect was poor with bright sunshine (not complaining) and the majority of the Ducks were asleep. As she dropped me off in the car park another car arrived, it was Elaine from the Village who informed me 6 Cranes had been seen flying NE over Selby. We walked out to the Platform but there was no sign in 15 minutes. She then decided to check the farm fields opposite while I remained for a while. Subsequent reports over York and beyond had me heading for the Hide. Would have been a nice fillip. I did get one just before reaching it in the form of a Willow Tit.

Having my friend in the Hide does put an edge on proceedings! He's fine BUT initially protective, which means a bark for anyone entering the Hide...which I realize...can be disconcerting! The scene was the usual picture on this sunny, still morning. The water level had dropped but not as much as expected. Still, it gave more room for resting Birds. 4 Whooper Swans flew South along the River, no doubt heading for the fields across the road...

I only saw 2 Little Grebes briefly on this visit...

Just managed to catch a pair of Shelducks also flying S along the River...

The Riverbank obviously concentrates resting Birds which enables concentrated scanning of the said area. Other Species present included...Oystercatcher (1), Redshank (1), Curlew (10), Cormorant (3), Stock Dove (2) and Pied Wagtail (2). More distant scanning was (this time) enhanced by the bright of the many joys of a North-facing Hide. A Red Kite suddenly appeared drifting East close...

Local Birder Chris Gomersall joined me and we enjoyed distant views of a large flock of Dunlin (c300) on the far bank to the NW. Later a group of Lapwings flew East over the River which contained c30 Ruff

It was 3.30 and time to leave as Louise had returned. I was feeling more relaxed. We headed back East and I plucked up the courage to ring the Garage. Cam Belt OK (as it should have been) so fingers crossed...

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